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Meet the PTO Board!

We are a dedicated team of parents who work tirelessly to enrich our school community. We are committed to fostering a supportive and engaging environment for both students and families. 

Our Board meets once a month (via Zoom or in-person) to plan and coordinate family and fundraising events throughout the year.


"Term of Office for all officers is one school year, beginning immediately upon election and ending upon officer election the following school year. A position on the MONTE VISTA PTO Executive Board cannot be held for more than two terms in succession by any one person. An exception may be made only if a replacement is not available."


To learn more about the duties and responsibilities of each Board position, please click on the link below.

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Our Committees

Our Committee members are made up of volunteer parents, all contributing time and effort into the cause. They are event leaders who assist the PTO in organizing and carrying out various events and projects during the year.

Please sign up for any open committees and we will reach out to you within 48 hours.

Volunteer Coordinator – Rebecca Fowler

     - help with identifying areas where volunteers are needed, creating and promoting volunteer opportunities, and matching volunteers with appropriate roles based on their skills and interests.

Book Fair Committee – Harmony True

     - help with planning, organizing, and executing book fair events with Scholastic.

Spirit Wear Committee – Marianne Zabbo, Caitlin McMillian

     - help with spirit wear order management, selling spirit wear at various school events, and managing the distribution of spirit wear to those who have purchased it.

Room Helper Coordinator – Chelsea Martin

     - help with recruiting, scheduling, and coordinating parent or community volunteers who assist teachers with various classroom activities and events.

Dining Out Coordinator – Cherilyn Miller

     - help with organizing and managing fundraising events that involve dining at local restaurants, reaching out to restaurants to establish partnerships, scheduling events where a portion of the restaurant’s proceeds are donated to the school or organization, and promoting these events to the community.

Halloween Trunk or Treat  Committee – Chelsea Peterson, Ashley Low, Nichole Landers

     - help with organizing and executing our annual Halloween Trunk or Treat event.

Winter Shoppe Committee – Chelsea Peterson, Ashley Low, Nichole Landers

     - help with organizing and executing our annual Winter Shop event.

Spring Carnival Committee – OPEN

     - help with organizing and executing our annual Spring Carnival event.

Spring Fundraiser Committee (Our second largest fundraiser!) – OPEN

     - help with organizing and executing our Spring Fundraiser event, including Spring Raffle and Silent Auction. Tasks include, but not limited to, sourcing and securing attractive prizes to entice people to buy raffle tickets, coordinating with businesses, sponsors, and donors for prize donations, organizing the distribution and sale of raffle tickets, planning and organizing the raffle draw event, and organizing the distribution of prizes to the winners after the draw.

Spring Soiree (Adult Party) Committee – OPEN

     - help with organizing and managing an Art Night event.

Family Fun Nights Committee (family fun dance, bingo night, movie night, etc) – OPEN

     - help with organizing and managing an Art Night event.

Teachers Appreciation Committee – OPEN

     - help with organizing and managing an Art Night event.

Lost and Found Lead – Amy Ow

     - help with managing our School's lost and found system.

Eight Grade Celebration Committee – OPEN

     - help with planning and executing events and activities to celebrate the milestone of completing 8th grade

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